Year 1

Welcome to the Year 1 homepage!

Class 1A:

Mrs K Sinclair-Davies ( Teacher) Mrs Griffiths (Teaching Assistant)

Class 1B:

Miss E Smith (Teacher) Mrs G Langston (Teaching Assistant)

We are really looking forward to an exciting Spring term ahead in Year 1!

In History, we are going to be looking at the lives of women throughout history who have really made a difference to world we live in. We start off with a look at the interesting life of Mary Seacole.

Our Science topics this term have a big focus on animals which we cannot wait for. We will be exploring the world of polar bears from a safe distance! We will even be adopting an animal – look out for more information about this on X.

Our finale for the term in English will be Goldilocks and The Three Bears. But will it be the fairytale we are all used to hearing? We look forward to finding out soon.

Year 1 Curriculum

Curriculum Overview


Autumn Curriculum Letter


Spring Curriculum Letter


Home Learning

Maths Home Learning

TT Rockstars


Reading Home Learning

Oxford Reading Buddy

Read Write Inc Phonics